My Story

I am a 45-year-old mom to a beautiful little boy, a wife, a dental hygienist, and a fitness and nutrition coach for women. I have been passionate about health and fitness for 20-plus years.


My love for fitness began when I was in my 20s and was dealing with horrible anxiety and depression. At the time I had a very poor self-image, and self-worth and did not prioritize self-care. I saw countless therapists and tried several medications but nothing helped me like fitness did. I still remember my first time going to a gym. I was beyond scared, but the feeling I had when I left was immeasurable. The gym saved me, and I have made it a part of my life since.


That’s not to say I always got it right! I spent years doing all the wrong things. I tried every diet out there and different workouts all to get lean and toned. My motivation for working shifted after having my son, and my ‘why’ changed.

I still wanted to get toned and be that hot mom, but I also wanted to make sure I was around for years to come and able to keep up with an active little boy.

Becoming a mother has changed me. All for the good. Something changes you when you go through the challenges of pregnancy, then delivery, and then the biggest challenge, raising a happy and well-rounded little human. I have a long way to go with that last one, but after growing a healthy baby and then birthing that NINE pound-er, I gained a different confidence and appreciation of my body.

The love I have for my child woke up the inner love I needed to have for myself. And with that shift also came weight loss, confidence, and a better sense of who I am. As a mother, I have a lot to teach my son, but he sure has taught me more than I ever thought possible.


Since having him my approach to fitness has completely shifted. I no longer am motivated to just be the smallest version of myself, rather I want to be the healthiest version of myself.


The odd twist to this is that mindset gave me the body I tried YEARS to get. I finally was toned, lean, felt strong, and had balance with food. I no longer fear carbs or calories. At 45 I feel and look better than I did at 25!


My passion now is to help the woman who is where I was. Who is confused about what to do, has tried countless diets and workouts only to be left more/less looking the same, and even if she loses weight, it comes right back.


I know the feeling of dreading social events because you hate how you look in everything, or not wanting to be intimate with your partner because you don’t feel comfortable in your skin. I know how hopeless it can feel, especially with all the information out there about aging and weight gain.


My goal is to empower women with no-nonsense fitness knowledge so they can achieve their goal bodies WITHOUT living in a deficit or a gym. My blog, coaching, and social media will all share as much information to help women feel and look their best, and BECOME HER, that best version of herself.


So happy you are here! I cannot wait to help you!


Transforming your body after 40: A Strength Training Guide for Women